Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. The aim is to stimulate these points to promote the body's natural healing abilities and restore balance in the flow of energy, known as Qi.

Key aspects of acupuncture include:

  1. Meridian System: According to TCM, there are energy pathways called meridians that run throughout the body. Acupuncture points are located along these meridians, and the placement of needles at specific points is believed to restore the balance and flow of energy.

  2. Needle Stimulation: Acupuncture needles, which are much thinner than hypodermic needles, are inserted into the skin at precise points. The depth and angle of insertion vary depending on the condition being treated and the individual's needs.

  3. Holistic Approach: Acupuncture practitioners consider not only the specific symptoms but also the overall well-being of the patient. The treatment is often individualized, focusing on the person's unique pattern of symptoms and health.

    Safety and Regulation: When performed by a qualified and licensed practitioner using sterile needles, acupuncture is generally considered safe. In many countries, practitioners must adhere to strict safety and hygiene standards.


  • Following a discussion about your current issue, we'll review relevant aspects of your medical history.

    Subsequently, we'll assess your body through specific movements, palpation to evaluate tissue quality, checking joint and tissue mobility and/or checking your pulse following the Traditional Chinese Medicine principles

    Upon completion, we'll briefly outline the treatment plan and goals.

    Very fine needles will be inserted into specific acupuncture point locations on your body, according to the determined treatment plan.

    For you to relax into the treatment, your therapist might leave the room for 20-30 minutes. You will be given a bell to call your therapist if you have any concerns.

    The majority of time during both the initial consultation and follow-ups will be dedicated to the actual treatment.

  • Loose fitting clothes are ideal for acupuncture treatment. You might be asked to undress if your clothing restricts treatment. Towels can be provided to cover you up and keep you warm

  • All initial appointment: £90 allow up to 60 min.

    All follow-ups: £80 allow up to 45 min.

  • Please note that making an appointment with us implies that we have reserved a slot in our schedule solely for you. Given that you cancel an appointment at the last moment (12 hours), you will be charged the full fee unless there are exceptional circumstances.

  • Unless you have asked for a specific treatment modality, we like to pick the best tool for the job! In our experience (cranial) osteopathy works best for some issues, acupuncture for others.

    We will always discuss what we thinks works best beforehand, but can easily adapt if you prefer to not have any specific techniques done.